Friday, February 25, 2011

DAC Weekend Wrap-Up

In preparation for the weekend, here's what we're reading now:

Why you're not seeing fitness results this year - CNN Health

Best Snacks for the Gym - Men's Health Magazine's The Best List

Lose Your Fear of Weight Lifting - Women's Health Magazine

And, it's not to late to register for DAC Fitness' spin event for Spinning Nation, benefiting Ride 2 Recovery, on Saturday, February 26 at 8:30 a.m. For full details, including how to register, click here.

Monday, February 21, 2011

DAC Fitness to Host National Fundraising Ride

All three DAC Fitness locations will participate in Spinning Nation's national fundraising ride for the Ride 2 Recovery program, making the clubs the only participating facilities in West Tennessee and all of Mississippi.

DAC Fitness Collierville, Laurelwood and Southaven will host the fundraising ride on Saturday, February 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Cost to participate is $100, with all money benefiting Ride 2 Recovery. Riders are encouraged to secure sponsors and donations in support of their participation and to cover the fee to ride.

This will be the third year that DAC Fitness will participate, but it's the first year that the event will be held at all three clubs and open to the public. 

For more information, email Vivian Reesman. To secure your spot, register here or contact the DAC Fitness nearest you:

DAC Fitness Southaven, 3146 Goodman Road - 662-349-0403

DAC Fitness Laurelwood, 426 S. Grove Park Road - 901-767-8437

DAC Fitness Collierville, 440 W. Powell Road - 901-861-2110

About Ride 2 Recovery
The mission of Ride 2 Recovery is to make a difference in the lives of veterans by assisting in their mental and physical rehabilitation programs. The group supports the participation of wounded veterans in its programs, as well as provides bikes, technical equipment, clinics and outings for Ride 2 Recovery participants. Through its efforts the group is able to improve the health and morale of participating veterans.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Overcoming a Plateau

Whether you're trying to lose 100 pounds or the last 10, facing a weight loss plateau is an inevitable part of the journey. To lose weight, one must create a calorie deficit through dietary or activity changes (ideally, a combination of both). After you make the changes and initially lose weight, your body adjusts and progress may stop - despite remaining consistent with workouts and healthy eating.

If weight loss is topping your list of resolutions this year, knowing what to do when a dreaded plateau hits can help you overcome it and continue to lose weight. Here are some solutions to break through the plateau:
  • Review your plan. In the last few weeks, have you let yourself indulge in larger portions or slack on your exercise routine? Make sure you're sticking to your plan and aren't sabotaging yourself. If you have a journal, try to detail everything you eat, along with all of your workouts, to keep you on track.
  • Count your calories. Are you eating too many calories or not enough? Either can be a cause for stalled weight loss. Consult a doctor or health professional to ensure you're meeting your nutritional needs.
  • Kick up your cardio. If you've maintained the same workout routine for a few weeks, it's time to increase the time and intensity. Additional exercise will cause you to burn more calories and help you overcome the plateau. If you need to be challenged, consider enlisting a trainer to help you overhaul your routine.
  • Incorporate more activity into your day. Outside of your workouts, are you staying active by choosing stairs over the elevator, walking more and using a car less? If not, don't miss our tips to increase your steps here.
If you make these changes and you still can't overcome your weight loss plateau, reevaluate your goals. Perhaps the weight you're seeking is not realistic for you. If you're unsure or need guidance on what a realistic weight would be for your body type, consult a physician or health professional.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Need Guidance?

If you're in need of fitness or nutrition advice or have a question for a trainer, ask DAC Fitness! Each month, we'll field questions from you and provide the answers, resources or tips you need to keep you healthy.

Simply click the comment button below, type your question in the box, add your name and click the post comment button.

After you comment, check the blog to see your questions answered from one of DAC Fitness' qualified trainers or fitness instructors. All selected questions will be entered into a quarterly drawing for a free gift from DAC Fitness.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Be Heart Smart!

It's February and time to turn our attention to hearts - and we're not talking about the chocolate or candy variety. Since 1963, February has served as American Heart Month, an initiative led by the American Heart Association to raise money and educate the public about heart disease and stroke.

To celebrate this month, try to increase your heart (and overall) health in five key areas:

Know your numbers. No one can track your health and know how you feel better than you. Knowing your family history, especially as it relates to genetic disorders and conditions, is important, but finding out where you are is key. Schedule a physical and find out your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels and where they should be. If anything is awry, your physician can help you identify tools to manage the issue.

Start moving. It's no secret that activity, specifically aerobic exercise, is a large component of heart health. Adults need at least 30 minutes of exercise five or more days per week, but don't think this only involves a treadmill or exercise bike. Walking your dog, playing dodgeball with your kids or gardening all count too, so put down the remote and start moving!

Lose the extra weight. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity in the United States is at an all time high. In 2009, only Colorado and the District of Columbia had an obesity prevalence of less than 20%, while 33 states had a prevalence equal to or greater than 25%. Need guidance? Don't miss our blog posts on weight loss.

Relieve stress. Take a moment each day to be still. Whether it's for a few minutes or 20, walk away from the computer, phone or television to a quiet room for de-stressing. Sit quietly, focus on deep breathing and try to clear your mind. This will allow you to recharge and relax.

Break the habit. Whether you smoke, drink too much caffeine or rely on fast food to get you through the day, make 2011 the year you break your unhealthy habit. While some vices are easier to give up than others, find a resource that will help you, hold you accountable and be a cheerleader when you need it most.

Friday, February 4, 2011

DAC Fitness Spotlight: Regina M.

When she was in high school, Regina joined band to avoid P.E. class. Things have changed in the last 30 years, and now she's in the best shape of her life - happy, healthy and confident.

Regina loves to mix up her workouts at DAC Fitness through personal training, Les Mills group exercise classes and the latest in weight-training equipment. Sure, she's looking good - but she loves the way she feels most of all.

To see more of Regina's story, don't miss this video: