Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Be Heart Smart!

It's February and time to turn our attention to hearts - and we're not talking about the chocolate or candy variety. Since 1963, February has served as American Heart Month, an initiative led by the American Heart Association to raise money and educate the public about heart disease and stroke.

To celebrate this month, try to increase your heart (and overall) health in five key areas:

Know your numbers. No one can track your health and know how you feel better than you. Knowing your family history, especially as it relates to genetic disorders and conditions, is important, but finding out where you are is key. Schedule a physical and find out your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels and where they should be. If anything is awry, your physician can help you identify tools to manage the issue.

Start moving. It's no secret that activity, specifically aerobic exercise, is a large component of heart health. Adults need at least 30 minutes of exercise five or more days per week, but don't think this only involves a treadmill or exercise bike. Walking your dog, playing dodgeball with your kids or gardening all count too, so put down the remote and start moving!

Lose the extra weight. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity in the United States is at an all time high. In 2009, only Colorado and the District of Columbia had an obesity prevalence of less than 20%, while 33 states had a prevalence equal to or greater than 25%. Need guidance? Don't miss our blog posts on weight loss.

Relieve stress. Take a moment each day to be still. Whether it's for a few minutes or 20, walk away from the computer, phone or television to a quiet room for de-stressing. Sit quietly, focus on deep breathing and try to clear your mind. This will allow you to recharge and relax.

Break the habit. Whether you smoke, drink too much caffeine or rely on fast food to get you through the day, make 2011 the year you break your unhealthy habit. While some vices are easier to give up than others, find a resource that will help you, hold you accountable and be a cheerleader when you need it most.

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