Thursday, May 26, 2011

DAC Weekend Wrap-Up

In preparation for the holiday weekend, here's what we're reading now:

Happy, Healthy Kids: Health Tips for Summer Fun -

Six Bikini Friendly Burger Recipes - Women's Health Magazine

Keep Your Cool -

Designing Your Swimsuit Strategy - DAC Fitness Blog

Cheers to a happy and healthy Memorial Day!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

DAC Fitness Donates $10,000 in Exercise Equipment

Sister Teresa Shields of the Jonestown Family Center for Education and Wellness stands alongside Glenn Marshall, James Davis and Bradley as the donated equipment is assembled. 

DAC Fitness recently donated $10,000 in exercise equipment to the Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi. The donation was accepted by Volunteer Northwest Mississippi, a Community Foundation initiative, and distributed to five organizations in and around the Mississippi Delta.

"We take pride in our dedication to boosting the health and wellness of not only our local community, but other communities around the region," said Robert Creech, president of DAC Fitness. "With the help of the Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi and Volunteer Northwest Mississippi, we were able to identify five organizations who needed assistance and were happy to provide the necessary equipment to help others improve their health."

Marvin Crawford, Walter Walton and Reshardo Gardner set up the donated equipment.

Recipients include the Jonestown Family Center for Education and Wellness, a health club that offers educational programs on fitness and nutrition; and the Coahoma Agricultural High School football team, whose players will use the equipment for training, and maintaining active lifestyles during the off-season. The towns of Friar's Point, Lula, and Coahoma also received equipment and will use it to promote health and fitness among the town employees.

"We are deeply appreciative of DAC's level of support for the health and wellness of Mississippi Delta residents," said Tom Pittman, president of the Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi. "Mississippi leads the nation in obesity, which is killing far too many people, while severely handicapping the ability of many others. The donations from DAC Fitness will improve the lives of countless residents in these small Delta towns."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Need Guidance?

If you're in need of fitness or nutrition advice or have a question for a trainer, don't forget that you can ask DAC Fitness! Each month, we'll field questions from you and provide the answers, resources or tips you need to keep you healthy.

Simply click the comment button below, type your question in the box and click the post comment button. 

After you comment, check the blog to see your questions answered from one of DAC Fitness' qualified trainers or fitness instructors. All selected questions will be entered into a quarterly drawing for a free gift.

Friday, May 13, 2011

DAC Weekend Wrap-Up

In preparation for the weekend, here's what we're reading:

Going on vacation? 3 Creative Ways to Stick to Your Fitness Routine - Self Magazine

Family balances life and nutrition -

Cutting calories without cutting flavor - Associated Content from

The Best Workout Music for May 2011 - Shape Magazine

Beat the Summer Heat - DAC Fitness Blog
Have a happy and healthy weekend!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Beat the Summer Heat

Summer is just around the corner, which often means a calendar full of cookouts, family gatherings and outdoor sporting events. Warm temperatures and high humidity make it extremely important to take precautions while enjoying outdoor fun.

Before you head outside, brush up on last year's summer safety tips and don't miss our latest ways to beat the heat:

Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing. The body needs room to breathe and tight clothing can restrict your ability to cool down. Dark colors are a magnet for heat, so opt for lightly colored clothing, which deflects the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Be mindful of the foods you eat. While this is always important, it's imperative when you're spending a significant amount of time in the heat. Avoid foods high in sodium, which can cause water retention and bloating, and meals high in processed sugar and refined carbohydrates, which zap your energy. Stick to lean proteins and vegetables and fruits with a high water content, like squash, zucchini, tomatoes, berries and melon. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, and opt for water or 100% fruit juice.

Schedule events accordingly. The sun's rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., so try to plan your outings and events in the morning or late afternoon. If that's not an option, make sure to apply sunscreen, wear a hat and take plenty of breaks in the shade. If you prefer an outdoor workout, set aside time early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid additional heat-related strain on the body.

Know the warning signs. Young children and the elderly are most prone to heat-related illnesses, so it's important to know the signs and check on your friends, family and neighbors often. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include weakness, dizziness, headaches, nausea, muscle cramps, cold or clammy skin and fainting. If you suspect a heat-related illness, move the individual to a cool environment and seek medical attention immediately.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Giveaway Winner

Thanks to all of the participants in our 100 free days of fitness giveaway. Using the Random Number Generator, we have identified our winner:

Congratulations, Marbethr! Please email Marya to set up your 100 days of free access to DAC Fitness Laurelwood