Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Revamp Your Outdoor Workout

With summer drawing to a close, you may be bored with your outdoor exercise routine. Summer temperatures can often limit what exercises you're able to safely do in the heat, so take advantage of the cooling temperatures and add some variety to your outdoor routine.

If you're a runner ...
Consider signing up for an upcoming 5K race and start training now (if you've recently started running, check out our tips for preparing for a 5K). If you aren't the competition type, incorporate running stairs or sprint intervals into your jog. If you are truly looking for a change of pace, consider trying the latest trend: barefoot running.

If you're a cyclist ...
Get friends and family to join in a day of fun: take a bike trip to a nearby park or neighboring town and enjoy a picnic. Or, explore your town or city by bike, stopping along the way to check out the things you miss while traveling in a car. If you don't have time for an all-day adventure, vary your speed, resistance and elevation (i.e., try some hills) to increase your calorie burn and improve endurance. And, don't forget your helmet!

If you like to hike ...
Tackle a new hill or trail, tracking your time. If you want to stick to the same trail, make it your personal goal to shave off a minute or two each time you hike. Remember that part of the fun in hiking is to experience nature in new ways, so bring friends along and document your hike through photos or video.

If you're a walker ...
Increase your distance by adding a new loop or do your typical routine twice. Add some hand-weights or a weight vest to increase your calorie burn. Don't forget to wear a pedometer to track your steps. If you'd like to increase the amount of steps you take each day, don't miss DAC's tips here.

Remember to enjoy your time outdoors while keeping your workouts interesting.

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