Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fighting the Sugar Battle

Candy corn, chocolate bars and lollipops - oh my! Candy is EVERYWHERE right now - at the office, in waiting rooms and even (GASP!) in your own home. How do you fight off an intense sugar craving while avoiding the lure of the candy dish?

Don't skip meals. Skipping meals makes you crave sugary, starchy and carbohydrate-rich foods. Eating at least three balanced meals per day that include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins will help prevent sugar cravings before they happen.

Drink a glass of water. Studies show that most cravings only last for about 15 minutes before your mind switches to something else. If the craving is still there after drinking water and waiting, try another tip ...

Brush your teeth or swish mouthwash. Giving your mouth a nice, minty refresher is a great way to combat cravings. If you don't have a toothbrush handy, opt for a piece of sugar-free gum. Chewing gum will provide you with that same minty flavor and keep your mind off candy.

Reach for a piece of fruit. Enjoy an apple, pear or other type of fruit instead of that candy bar. Eating fruit will provide the sweet flavor you crave, along with fiber and beneficial nutrients that will keep you satisfied far longer than a piece of candy.

Give in every now and then. Go ahead and have a piece of candy, but eat it slowly. If you don't think one piece will do the trick, try mixing it with something healthy. Options include combining almonds with a few chocolate chips, enjoying a piece of caramel with an apple, or dipping half of a cookie into nonfat or soy milk.

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