Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summer Diet Pitfalls

Summer has officially arrived. With it comes three months filled with family vacations, barbecues and picnics that might cause you to abandon your usual healthy diet for burgers, brats and beer. Summer isn't the typical holiday season most people gain weight, but it's easy to pack on pounds with barbecues and frequent visits to the ice cream truck. Indulging in one too many sweet treats can make us all feel a little inadequate in our bathing suits.

It may be difficult to resist the luring scent of grilled meat, but it is possible to enjoy the classic summer fare without gaining weight. If you can incorporate a few of these tips into your summer celebration, you can have your burger and eat it too!
  • Savor the rare treats. Don't fill up on foods like chips and dip that you can have all the time. Instead, save those special indulgences for homemade ice cream or your father's special recipe for barbeque ribs. When traveling, skip the drive-through and enjoy regional specialities that aren't readily available where you live.
  • Avoid overloading on sauces and sides. While it's okay to enjoy a burger or bratwurst, avoid pouring on unhealthy sauces like fat-filled mayonnaise or sugary marinades. Stick to low-fat salsa and mustard. Also watch out for unhealthy side items, like potato salad and coleslaw, which both pack a lot of fat.
  • Fill your plate with greens. Before indulging in a burger or rack of ribs, fill up on fresh cut vegetables and fruit, which can also help keep you hydrated. Eating healthier foods when your stomach is rumbling will help satisfy your hunger, prevent you from eating another bratwurst or grabbing another bowl of ice cream.
  • Limit alcohol. While drinking alcohol in the heat is a quick way to become dehydrated, drinking too many beers can also dramatically increase your waistline. Moderate your intake by drinking a glass of water between each calorie-laden drink.
  • Stay active. Take a break from all that eating and go for a walk with your family. If planning a picnic, be sure to pack a Frisbee or football to toss around the park. Swimming, basketball, bicycle riding and jumping rope are all good ways to keep the family moving during the summer months.

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