Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rev Up Your Metabolism

Did you know that metabolism is a key component of the body functioning properly? Think of it like a gas tank in a vehicle - right now, the many processes that comprise metabolism are working around the clock to convert the food you eat into energy to keep your body "running."

To keep your metabolism running smoothly (or to rev it up), keep these tips in mind:

Start your day with breakfast. Many folks skip breakfast, whether it's due to time constraints or they don't think it's important. Take note - eating a balanced breakfast (a mix of healthy fats, lean proteins and healthy carbs) is one of the most important things you can do to start your day and jump-start your metabolism.

Don't miss a meal. As important as breakfast can be, don't assume that you can skip lunch or dinner to lose weight. Reducing overall calorie intake does help you lose weight, but skipping lunch might lead to overeating throughout the afternoon or during dinner. Calorie reduction should be accomplished by reducing calorie intake throughout the day, not by skipping a meal.

Make good food choices. While eating regularly is one component of revving your metabolism, it's important to make sure you're fueling your body with good food choices. Be sure to read all of our related nutrition posts here.

Maximize your cardio session. Shake up your normal treadmill routine with intervals. Incorporate bursts of speed into your ho-hum run to shake up your system and force your body to work a bit harder (thus boosting metabolism). To add intervals during your workout on other machines, vary the resistance or incline.

Get more sleep. If you're missing a significant amount of zzz's, your body starts producing the hormone, cortisol, which has been linked to an increased appetite and obesity. While sleep needs vary by individual, adults tend to need around eight hours of sleep per night. Make it a point to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning, allowing your body to adjust to a regular sleep schedule.

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