Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Trick or Treat: A Healthier Halloween

It's once again time for Halloween - a holiday seemingly defined by costumes and candy. Obviously, you can't overlook the fact that candy will be available, whether it's around the office or at home.

Here are a few survival tips for you (and your kids):

Don't buy Halloween candy early. Who can resist the lure of candy bags in the pantry? If you buy your candy early, chances are you'll be buying more before the holiday. Save money (and your waistline!) and buy any candy or sugary treats a day or two before you need it. Steer clear of purchasing your favorite candy, which will help you avoid eating it.

Eat before the event. Make sure everyone eats a meal before collecting candy or heading to the costume contest. This will reduce the urge to eat treats as you roam the neighborhood and may reduce the crankiness that accompanies a sugar rush and subsequent crash.

Limit candy collection time. Instead of making candy the focus of the holiday, involve your children in other activities. Participate in a neighborhood costume contest or attend a harvest festival with friends. The children will still get to dress up and enjoy the costumes, without the candy focus.

Enjoy a treat or two! Denying yourself a special treat now and then will only set you up to binge later. During Halloween, candy is perfectly sized for an individual treat, so pick your favorite and have a piece. Stash your children's candy allowing them to enjoy a piece or two every few days. You can donate or take the rest to your office to give to coworkers.

Have a safe and happy holiday!

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