Friday, August 6, 2010

Are You Drinking Too Many Calories?

By now, we're all familiar with the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) joint publication with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), entitled Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which outlines the recommended daily caloric intake based on body type. What you may not know is these estimates don't account for calories you may be drinking, so you may not be including them in your daily calorie count either.

Unlike calories consumed from food, beverages usually don't provide our bodies with a sense of satisfaction or fullness. If you don't feel full, you may forget to compromise by eating a lighter meal later.

To help keep you in check, here are a few common, calorie-laden beverages and easy replacements:

Juice: It's likely that apple or cranberry juice is not as pure as it may seem. Most juice-based beverages are commonly referred to as juice cocktails, which means there's more than just whole fruit in the ingredient list. Instead of juice, opt for a piece of whole fruit, which provides filling fiber and more nutrients than its liquid counterpart.

Coffee: Be careful of that oversized latte or mocha with whipped cream. Some coffee-based beverages can pack more calories than you're allotted for an entire day and the caffeine and high-sugar content will do nothing more than make you hungrier. Enjoy a cup of plain coffee or green tea, which is considered an antioxidant powerhouse.

Sports Drinks: While sports drinks are ideal for active athletes following an intense workout, they can pack unnecessary calories if consumed throughout the day. Drink water to stay hydrated and if needed, look for a low-sugar version of your favorite sports drink.

Alcohol: While it's okay to occasionally enjoy a beer or glass of wine, it's important to monitor your alcohol intake. When inhibitions are lowered, we tend to overindulge. To prevent this during a night out, try to drink a glass of water between every beverage and remember to eat something prior to or while you're drinking. Or skip the alcohol and try a guilt-free soda water or seltzer with a wedge of lime.

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