Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Heart Healthy

While you might associate February with chocolate kisses and candy hearts, the American Heart Association has designated it as American Heart Health month. Heart disease has evolved into a common killer among men and the number one killer of women.

By altering your daily routine and adding more exercise, you can become healthier and lower your risk for future cardiac problems.

To help boost your activity level, try these tips:

Go for a short walk before breakfast or after dinner. Start out walking for five to ten minutes, and work your way up to 30 minutes. If you're up to it, try to walk both in the morning and evening, boosting your overall daily activity time.

Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. If needed, take the elevator, but get off a few floors early and take the stairs the rest of the way.

Spend time outside working in your garden. Rake leaves, prune flowers or pull weeds. If you mow your yard, opt for a push mower instead of the riding mower.

Ride an exercise bike or walk on the treadmill while you watch your favorite television program. Time will go by quickly because you won't watch the clock while you're working out. If you don't have equipment at home, try walking in place or jumping rope during the commercials.

Instead of meeting friends for dinner or drinks, take them on a walk or jog in a local park or take a new fitness class together.

During your lunch break at work, go for a quick, 15-minute walk outside. It's refreshing, will help clear your head and boost your metabolism.

Incorporating a few of these tips into your daily routine will reduce your risk of heart-related diseases, while increasing your overall health.

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