Friday, February 12, 2010

Beating Family Boredom

We're all guilty of it. After a long day, we have dinner and flip on the television to zone out for a few hours. With 60% of American adults and 30% of children considered obese, it's time to make a change and motivate your family to get moving.

Here are some ideas on how to monitor and increase activity:

Create a schedule of activities ahead of time for the week. This way, you won't waste time deciding what to do that day.

Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of activity a day. Sometimes a family might have an especially hectic day, so try to plan other days accordingly.

Set small goals for the family such as losing weight or becoming stronger. Once the goal has been reached, maintain it for a bit and then aim for something new.

Invest in family time. Make sure to have some fun equipment to use, like jump ropes or a soccer ball. Spending money on gear can help motivate you to invest the time to use it.

Research family health club memberships. Take full advantage of the fitness programs offered for children. Going to the gym will give you access to a wide range of equipment and training and family members can help keep you motivated.

Getting the family involved in an exercise routine will not only benefit their health, but help children learn the importance and benefits of staying active.

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