Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Make Smart Eating Choices

This year, think healthy - not thin! Most people are successful at long-term weight loss if their motive shifts from wanting to be thinner to wanting to be healthier. Every individual can make specific choices within their own diet to maintain a healthier lifestyle, but there are some general tips that will help anyone with nutrition resolutions:

Drink more water. It keeps your system clean and fights hunger pains. Next time you're hungry, reach for a glass of water instead of junk food.

Start your day with a nutritious breakfast. A Harvard University study found that those who ate breakfast every day were 44% less likely to be overweight and 41% less likely to suffer from insulin resistance. Good choices include a multi-grain cereal with fresh fruit, yogurt and toast, and high-protein foods (in moderation) such as eggs.

Eat frequent, small meals. Eating more often helps regulate blood-sugar levels, protecting your muscles from being broken down and used as energy. Small snacks between meals also keep you from gorging when you sit down for lunch or dinner. Try unsalted nuts or multi-grain crackers.

Simple diet changes like these can be implemented over time and will help ensure you stay on track and accomplish your health and wellness goals.

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