Thursday, November 18, 2010

Healthier Holidays: Get Moving

It's that time of year again. Those six frantic weeks filled with Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah and New Year's are almost here, leaving you stressed out and tired. Who has time to fit in extra workouts or fight sugary temptations at the annual office party?

It is estimated that most adults gain an average of about one-pound every holiday season. While this may not seem like a significant increase, returning to a healthy lifestyle after eating such rich foods and not exercising is much harder than actually staying active during the holiday season.

Here are some easy tips to get moving during the holidays:

Maggie Heinz and her six-year-old son, Johnny, take a walk around their neighborhood.

Take a walk. Whether you need a break from your family or need to get away from the desserts in the kitchen, taking a quick 30-minute walk will boost your metabolism, allow you to get some fresh air and help clear your mind.

Wake up and stretch. Do a few simple stretches as soon as you wake up in the morning. It'll get you moving and warm up your muscles before you've even had your first cup of coffee.

Avoid front row parking. Don't fight traffic for a parking space near the grocery store or mall entrance. Instead, park in the back and enjoy the extra exercise you get from the walk.

Randall and Marya Green enjoy family time with their four-year-old son, Gavin, at the Snowden Grove playground.

Play with the kids. Volunteer to get the kids out of the house at your family's holiday party. Visit a local park or the backyard to play a pick-up game of football, tag or hide-and-go seek.

Do the chores. Housework can easily be overlooked in the holiday rush. Offer to help out around the house by doing the most active chores like vacuuming, dusting, walking the dogs or grocery shopping.

Take the stairs. Avoid using the crowded escalators and elevators by taking advantage of the stairs. Most people won't be using them and you'll be burning more calories by moving.

Maximize your time. Take advantage of any spare time you have. Use your lunch break to get away from your desk and go for a quick walk or pick-up that last minute holiday gift.

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