Thursday, July 22, 2010

Surviving the Event Calendar

Ah, wedding season. Who can resist the dresses, flowers, love and deliciously rich, high-caloric foods? Let's be honest - weddings aren't the only culprit capable of derailing a healthy diet.

Summer is usually chock-full of events, including family reunions, class reunions, league sporting events, picnics and barbecues, which are all likely to come with temptations. Whether you're attending one or many of these events, it's important to remember to avoid overindulging.

Follow these tips and you're sure to walk away with a guilt-free conscience (as far as your health is concerned):
  • Even if you aren't the one standing at the alter, you still want to look good. Just as a wedding includes a professional photographer, reunions and backyard barbecues come with digital cameras (without the benefit of professional retouching). In order to look your best, use the date of the event to stay motivated to exercise and make healthy eating decisions.
  • Eat something small before the ceremony or event. Most weddings have a lag of time between the ceremony and reception. Most reunions and family picnics have a significant amount of time before the meal is served. To prevent overeating and hunger-related crankiness, eat a small, balanced snack beforehand, like carrot sticks with hummus or an apple with all-natural peanut butter.
  • Monitor your drink intake. Most alcoholic beverages are loaded with empty calories. Other summer staples, like lemonade and iced tea, are packed with sugar. Try to drink a glass of water between every beverage, which will reduce your caloric intake and keep you hydrated in the summer heat.
  • Use the reception or event to burn calories. You're going to indulge in a slice of wedding cake or a serving of your grandmother's famous potato salad. It's a special occasion and you should enjoy those special treats, but make sure to step away from the buffet and maximize the opportunity to stay active. Dancing during the wedding reception will burn major calories. Playing a game of softball or Frisbee during a picnic with friends and family is a fun way to interact and keep you moving.
  • Don't lose sight of the actual event. If you're too focused on eating as much as you can from the buffet, you won't have as much time to interact with your loved ones. So, embrace the moment and remember to have fun with your friends and family!

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