Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Superfoods Defined

We hear about superfoods constantly and it seems every few months, magazines and health professionals are declaring the latest and greatest "it" health foods. But, what are superfoods and how can you make them work best for you (without spending hundreds of dollars and modifying your diet every other month)?

While there is no formal definition for superfoods, they can best be described as foods packed with the most significant nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Typically, if one food is deemed the "it" food of the season, foods in the same category share similar nutrient properties. Consider switching out different superstar foods to beat the monotony and prevent burnout.

An example of this: wild salmon. For several years, salmon has become a healthy, go-to option for "superfoodies" everywhere. Did you know that other fish share comparable levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids? Next time you're in the seafood section, try wild versions of mackerel, herring, albacore tuna or halibut.

Some other superfood alternatives include:

Almonds: all-natural almond butter, peanuts, walnuts or all-natural peanut butter

Blueberries: blackberries, prunes, raisins, strawberries or plums

Green Tea: white tea, black tea, oolong tea, plain coffee or espresso

Remember to pay attention to portions and buy seasonally to save money!

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