Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Motivation in the Cold

Whether it's for the fresh air or the sunlight, many people prefer to exercise outdoors. When temperatures drop, it can be harder to be motivated and stay safe while outside. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are a few things to remember before heading outdoors this winter:

Check with your doctor. While many experts agree that nearly everyone can exercise safely in the cold, it's important to always check with your doctor before starting an exercise regimen. Exercising outdoors in extreme heat or cold may exacerbate pre-existing conditions, so make a date with your physician before starting your outdoor workout routine.

Layer it on. One of the mistakes outdoor exercisers make is dressing too warmly. It's easy to overlook that exercise generates a considerable amount of heat, even when it's extremely cold outside. To ward off the cold and prevent overheating, dress in layers that can be easily added or removed.

Protect your extremities. When it's cold, don't forget to protect your hands and feet from frostbite. Consider wearing an extra pair of gloves and socks, and top off your exercise ensemble with a hat to keep your ears warm and prevent the loss of body heat through your head.

Use sunscreen. Don't be fooled by cooler temperatures - you can still get sunburned in the winter. Select a sunscreen that contains an SPF of 15 or higher.

Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids before, during and following your workout to avoid dehydration, which can occur just as frequently in the winter as the summer.

Consider these tips before heading outside to workout during the winter months. Don't forget to consult your physician before beginning a new exercise or nutritional program.

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